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Fishers of Men Fishing Club Meetings and Location
If you would like to join our meeting please email me at for more information. 
The Fishers of Men meet the first Thursday of each month at Lutheran Church of the Master in Brooklyn Center.
6:30 - Fellowship and Refreshments
7:00 - Meeting
Lutheran Church of the Master is located at
1200 - 69th Ave N in Brooklyn Center.
(enter from the north entrance of the church) 
Each month we get together for a time
of fellowship and invite guest speakers
to visit with us about industry changes, 
new techniques and learn how to become
a better fisherman.
(A) on the map is where the church is located. 

Site is designed by Fishers of Men Fishing Club - 2024
For more information about the Fishers of Men, please call Michael Cummins at 612-490-4824

Matthew 4:19 - And Jesus said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men

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